Words Come Easy Tuesday evenings 7:30 - 9:00 pm Zoom or (new!) Wednesday afternoons 2:00 -4:pm Zoom
Words Come Easy started as a drop-in writing workshop at a local community center in 2018 and moved to Zoom during the pandemic, where it has stayed to enable writers of all locales and abilities to participate. WCE is designed to help new writers find their voice and develop confidence and those returning to their craft to find new forms and fresh ideas. I present all manner of prompts and wordplay for freewrites (stream of consciousness burst) that can be shaped into poems, stories, memoir, and more. Sharing is voluntary, feedback is always kind and helpful.
$20 per session
Works-in-Progress Group Saturday mornings 10am-12pm Zoom
A gathering for more in-depth critique of prose and poetry. The group is limited to five writers who submit up to 4 pages of a project, or 2 poems. The feedback is always honest but never discouraging. Revising a piece can be tough for beginners and it helps to see how others go about it. Discovering your strengths as a writer will give you power.
$30 per session, which includes receiving a hard copy of your pages with my comments.
1:1 Writing Coach/Story Doctor Sessions
by appointment
I like to think of a story or poem as a kind of architecture. We can walk around in it together and see what’s well-built, what needs repair, what might need expanding or relocating, what’s extraneous and could be removed (but saved for some later construction.) Some writers meet with me regularly and some only as needed for an objective eye, a boost in confidence, some pointers on direction. I’ve been named in the acknowledgements of four books for my support, which feels almost as great as getting published myself.
$60 per 1 hour session
Workshops are on-going, contact me for the zoom link and any questions you may have. Times given are for the Eastern time zone. Sometimes writers come to join in the discussion and gain some creative traction - we call it "riding along."
Payment is via Paypal - I'll send a request after the workshop.

"Why write? First: because it is impossible that you have no creative gift. Second: the only way to make it live and increase is to use it. Third: you cannot be sure it is not a great gift."
Brenda Ueland